Meet EnhanceMe

Paula Williams, the owner of EnhanceMe LLC, introduced herself as “Enhance” in January 2001. Encouraging multiple women who confessed that they had never experienced a REAL orgasm, Enhance emerged. Enhance taught women that fake orgasms can be a thing of the past. Encouraging mental strategies and sex toys, Enhance has guided a multitude of females to truly enjoy the art of sex; with or without a partner.

The EnhanceMe LLC brand includes Paula’s Pearls. Made of all natural crystals from the earth, each set of pearls has both a healing and manifesting property. Matched with each woman’s God-given abilities, these pearls will prompt you to produce the desires of your heart.

Mission Statement:

EnhanceMe LLC emphasizes the power within. It is our mission to empower every woman with the willingness to go within and meet her inner Goddess, know that she is an EACHNESS in the ALLNESS of her creator. We are all made in His image and we possess the innate power to create the life we love.